Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Pruning Fennel!

I was asked by a pal this week about how to prune Fennel. An unusual request for this is not a plant I have grown myself. Having done some digging around I was amazed at the uses to be made of this wonderful plant.  It's history and origins are fascinating and I will be putting together an Article on Fennel in the next couple of days.

To answer my friend's query as to how to prune Fennel I would recommend you snip Fennel leaves throughout the growing season to add flavor to salads, fish and potatoes. Fennel bulbs can be harvested at any time once they have reached about 2.5 to 3 ins. across. Don't wait much beyond this time as the plant will become rather tough.  Simply slice through the root just below the bulb with a sharp knife, wash the bulbs, removing any damaged outer leaves, dry thoroughly, and store in plastic bags in the refrigerator. Freshly harvested bulbs may be stored up to a week, but for best flavor I recommend immediate use.

As I said before, the uses for this plant are many and varied, and I will publish a full Article on Fennel and its history and properties later this week.

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