Monday, December 28, 2009

Lawn Care For January

Ok - the hangover is a receding memory - Christmas is over for another year.

Its a freezing January out there in England, but that is helping out old Mother Nature enormously by breaking up the ground in anticipation of the Spring - it's also killing off those weeds that won't have a chance to flourish as they do in mild Winter conditions. So what is the first thing to do as we contemplate the frozen earth out there?

Here is a List of the jobs to focus on during this month of January


After the New Year, your life will return to normal. The holiday season is officially over and you will be anticipating the arrival of spring. Your lawn may not look like much. If you live in a region that sees a lot of snow, you may have been looking at a white blanket for weeks. Your grass may appear lifeless and your plants have long since bloomed in the sunshine.

But there is work to be done. You will have to go outside at least once a week and walk through your property and check for problems that you will have to take care of once the warmer months have arrived.

In January, you should be concerned with damage to your lawn sculptures and other decorative items. When inspecting these items, you should:
  • Check for cracks in the foundation of concrete bird baths, sculptures, and statues
  • Look for signs of discoloration that could be the early signs of rust.
  • Check for water and snow damage
  • Check for broken pieces
  • Remove any decorative items that cannot be fixed
    If possible, you should wrap up these items in order to protect them from the snow and water. If you can move them to a safer place, that would also help. Lawn decorations can be expensive and in many cases, one of a kind. Protecting these items should be high on your list when getting ready for winter and also during the winter season.

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