Friday, October 27, 2006

American Lawns

Here is some relevant information on Lawn Care in America! Check it out. terry

"American Lawns:

Tips and information for improving lawns and lawncare

Lawns, yard, grass: everyone has a name for that green space, but what it really is, is your own little piece of the earth. You own it, you take care of it, you're responsible for it. It needs you! And, you need it.

Our lawns have become a major player in our eco-system, after all it covers about 50 million acres in just America (2003 estimate). That means what you do is multiplied thousands of times over, every day in our country. So it's important that you do things right and stop flying by the seat of your pants just because that's the way you've always done it.

Our lawns are important.

Besides keeping your house from sinking into some dark abyss, your lawn is an important part of our environment. Some people such as Frank Gill, a VP in the National Audubon Society say: “Conventionally maintained lawns are sterile, unhealthy habitats that consume time and precious resources and poison watersheds." Well, Frank Gill has never visited my lawn. It's a thriving eco-system that is just teaming with all sorts of critters, and, it's one of the nicest looking lawns in the neighborhood (at least that's what my neighbors say).

People like Frank Gill and others make huge assumptions without actually looking at all the facts. They assume that because there is phosphorus in the water, by God, it has to be from guys like me that put fertilizer on my yard. They don't look at the actual chemistry involved in fertilizer, only the fact that we are spending so much money on fertilizer, some of that stuff must be getting into water. Well, probably some of it does. So does a lot of dishwashing detergent. So does a lot of goose droppings. So that answer isn't quite as simple as it seems to these folks.

Let's face it: your turf grass, lawn, yard, or whatever you want to call it, is pretty cool. Not only does grass smell good when you mow it, but grass feels good to walk across. My kids like playing on it, and my dogs definitely like it for entirely different reasons. Grass looks pretty in the early morning with the dew sparkling across it, or in the fall when the first frost settles in.

The only thing all that lovely lawn of green grass asks is a little care, a little patience, and to be fed and groomed occasionally. Pretty much what your kids expect, except you'll never have to set up a college fund for your grass.

Environmentally friendly lawns.

Environmentally, turf grass reduces carbon dioxide emissions, mitigating the heat island effect commonly found in our urban environments. Lawns reduce energy consumption through its cooling effects and contributes to efforts to reduce global warming trends. Grass reduces soil erosion by holding the soil in place during heavy flooding. Just 2,500 square feet of lawn not only absorbs carbon dioxide from the air, but it also releases enough oxygen for a family of four to breathe.

The Green Industry is aware of the important position it holds in protecting our environment and are taking steps to develop new and improved varieties of grass that require less fertilizer, less water and are more resistant to diseases and insects. Their goal is to protect America's natural resources."

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